How to age positively. How to confront changes and challenges in aging. And, most importantly, how to use Book of Revelation to cope with death and dying anxiety.
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Breast Cancer and Exercises
Friday, August 23, 2024
Adultery in Marriage
Tiger Woods, one of the world’s most famous and wealthiest golfers, was caught with his dark secrets of infidelities and lies in 2009. At first, he vehemently denied and even concealed them. But, eventually, he was more forthcoming and apologetic to his fans and his family at several press conferences:
The reality
King David’s adulteries
In spite of his efforts in seeking God’s wisdom, King David also demonstrated his darker side of the sin of lust.
One night, King David saw Bathsheba, the wife of one of King David’s generals, bathing on the rooftop. Succumbing to his own sin of lust, King David sent for Bathsheba, and committed adultery with her. To gratify his lust, King David even purposely sent the general to the war front to have him killed so that he could marry the general’s widow.
King David eventually married Bathsheba. Although penitent for his sins, God punished King David, and their firstborn son died.
King Solomon’s adulteries
King Solomon, the second son of King David, despite his profound human wisdom, violated God’s standards of sexual purity. His decision to disobey God and marry foreign women with their different gods led to his own idolatry. As a punishment for his sins, God divided Israel, and Solomon suffered bitterness and emptiness at the end of his life.
The difference between King David and King Solomon is that King David always lived in the presence of the Lord. So, King David always turned back to God with remorse and repentance, while King Solomon only distanced himself from God with no contrition and remorse.
So, living in the presence of the Lord always reminds you of your own accountability to Him, without which you will do anything and everything, thinking that you can get away with it.
The reality
Always live in the presence of the Shepherd. Always let the Shepherd guide you in the green pastures. Always let the Shepherd overcome your enemies of pride, lust, and deceit. Always let the Shepherd use His rod and staff not only to protect you but also to restrain and discipline you. Always let the Lord be your Shepherd throughout your marriage journey.
Adultery is a conscious and deliberate act to do just the opposite of what a marriage commitment requires. Adultery is prevalent because it has become the new “norm.” According to many, adultery is just a sin, not a crime, and everybody commits sins of some sort anyway. But adultery is a sin directly against God, who creates the marriage, joining the two as one. So, committing adultery is lack of accountability to God, and is unforgivable without judgment and repentance.
Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau
Thursday, August 22, 2024
The Bag and Baggage
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
The TAO in Anything and Everything
The Bible says wisdom is everything. "Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding." (Proverbs 3:13)
Without wisdom, there is no understanding.
But why is understanding important?
Without understanding, anything and everything in life may seem paradoxical and inexplicable. It is this mindset that may make many people "not living in reality" -- in their minds they only see "unfairness" and "inequality." This distorted mindset may even lead many to committing crimes and violence: "Why shouldn't I rob them who've the money that I don't have?" or "They too have broken the law, so why shouldn't I do the same?"
Biblical wisdom is about "accountability" to God, which will give you spiritual "understanding." But if you are not a believer, that "understanding" may be irrelevant to you.
Having said that, human wisdom is indispensable in contemporary living. Human wisdom is not the same as acquisition of knowledge; human wisdom is the application of what you feel and understand to your everyday life and living. So, being knowledgeable does not necessarily mean being wise.
The TAO is the profound wisdom of Lao Tzu, an ancient sage from China more than 2,600 years ago. The TAO has survived and thrived for thousands of years for a good reason: it is applicable to anything and everything in contemporary daily life. The TAO shows you all the hows and the whys of anything and everything happening in your life, including the following: growing up, receiving education, earning a living, making money, getting married, starting a family, raising children, staying healthy, growing old, and dying.
The TAO helps you confront all your daily challenges, and live in balance and harmony.
TAO in Anything and Everything
Stephen Lau
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Living in the Now
Monday, August 19, 2024
Power and Wealth
The Chinese Proverbs
"Look not for the donkey you are sitting on." Dao Yuan
"So you want to rule the world? That is like climbing a tree to look for fish. It is impossible." Mencius
Living in this world is all about control, which comes from power and wealth. Control means you can make people do what you want them to do for you. But people want to do what "they" want to do, and not what "you" want them to do. So it's like "climbing a tree to look for fish."
Wealth is getting "more and much more." You may already have the wealth--like riding a donkey and looking for another donkey. Even though what you already have may not be too much for you, at least learn to count your blessing, instead of your greed for more.
No matter what, power and wealth can never satisfy you because "nothing lasts" and everything will become nothing, no matter you're riding a donkey or climbing a tree.
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Disbelief and Unbelief
A description of the book:
The objective of this book is to help any unbeliever to find God, as well as to believe in the disbelief of salvation.
A sample from the book:
What is
Disbelief is a
state of mind of an individual who finds it difficult or almost impossible to
accept the reality of a situation that is incredible but nevertheless real.
For example,
an individual has just won a lottery with the payoff of millions of dollars.
The disbelief is that it is just too good to be true!
For example,
an individual is standing in front of the scattered belongings in front of his
or her house destroyed in a tornedo. The disbelief is that it could have
happened only to others but not to him or to her!
For example,
it was disbelief that during the Roman Empire, spectators in the amphitheater
could “enjoy” watching gladiators fighting and killing each other. Then, on
January 1, 404 A.D., a monk named Almachus
jumped into the arena attempting to stop the senseless killing. It was
disbelief that the monk was stoned to death by the spectators. But it was also
disbelief that the monk’s sacrificial death finally inspired the Emperor to
bring an end to the senseless gladiator fights in the Roman Empire.
For example, Jeffrey Dahmer, a serial killer who had
killed more than 17 young men in more than a decade, was convicted in 1992 and
sentenced to life imprisonment. In prison, Jeffrey began studying the Bible
with a church minister, and was then subsequently baptized in prison. Jeffrey’s
conversion was disbelief to the public. Another disbelief was that some
Christians even told reporters: “I don’t want to see Jesus in heaven if I find
Jeffrey with Him.” In prison, Jeffrey was harassed and life-threated by his
inmates. It was disbelief that Jeffrey did not want any isolation or even
protection; as a matter of fact, he was looking forward to his anticipated
judgment from God. In 1994, Jeffrey Dahmer was beaten to death by two prison
inmates while cleaning the bathroom. His own anticipated death was disbelief to
Indeed, we are
living in a world of disbelief in what humans desire to do and what God allows
them to do.
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Anything Is Everything Or Nothing? Living in this material world is all about struggling and surviving. The good news is that it is a hu...
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